TOBY. (Lieut., 1841. f-p., 15; h-p., 2.)
Henry Collett Toby entered the Navy, 27 April, 1830, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Conflict 12, Lieut.-Commander Geo. Smithers, fitting for the coast of Africa, where he attained the rating of Midshipman in April, 1831, and removed, in May, 1830, to the Pelorus 16, Capt. Rich. Meredith. In the Conflict he assisted, 24 Nov. 1830, at the capture, off the Rio Pongos, of the Ninfa Portuguese piratical schooner. He left the Pelorus 26 Sept. 1835; and was next employed – from 3 Oct. 1835 until 8 Jan. 1836, in the Russell 74, Capt. Sir Wm. Henry Dillon, on the Lisbon station – from 2 Sept. 1836 until 13 March, 1840, in the Bellerophon 80, Capts. Sam. Jackson and Chas. Jas. Austen, in the Mediterranean – and from 7 Aug. 1840 until 12 Feb. 1842, in the Wilberforce steamer, Capt. Wm. Allen, part of a disastrous expedition sent up the river Niger. He was then, having passed his examination 6 Feb. 1837, presented with a commission dated back to 23 Nov. 1841. His succeeding appointments were – 15 July, 1842, 27 Jan. 1843, and 18 Feb. 1844, to the Queen 110, flag-ship of Sir Edw. W. C. R. Owen, Snake 16, Capt. Hon. Walter Bourchier Dovereux, and Warspite 50, Capt. Provo Wm. Parry Wallis, all in the Mediterranean – 12 Feb. 1845, after nine months of half-pay, to the Styx steam-sloop, Capt. Wm. Windham Hornby, on the same station – 20 June, 1845, again to the Queen, bearing the flag of Sir John West at Devonport – 26 Jan. 1846, as First, to the Rapid 10, Capt. Henry J. W. S. P. Gallwey, fitting for the coast of Africa – 1 April following, to the Coast Guard – 25 Jan. 1847, as Additional, to the Hibernia 104, flagship of Sir Wm. Parker in the Mediterranean – and 5 March, 1847, to the Canopus 84, Capt. Fairfax Moresby, employed on particular service. The Canopus was paid off in the spring of 1848.
Lieut. Toby married, 9 Aug. 1848, Emma, daughter of the late Capt. Bissett, R.N. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.