SPENCE. (Lieut., 1812. f-p., 14; h-p., 30.)
Henry Francis Spence entered the Navy, 13 Jan. 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Leviathan 74, Capt. Henry Wm. Bayntun, attached to the fleet in the Mediterranean. In Jan. 1805 he joined the Diana 38, Capt. Thos. Jas. Maling, on the coast of Portugal; and from the following Nov. until 1811 he served aa Midshipman and Acting-Lieutenant in the Captain 74, Capt. Geo. Cockburn, Achille 74, Capt. Sir Rich. King, Pompée and Belleisle 74’s, both commanded by Capt. Cockburn, Achille again, Capt. Sir R. King, and Implacable and Milford 74’s, Capts. Cockburn and Edw. Kittoe. He assisted, in the Pompée, at the reduction of Martinique; was present, in the Belleisle, in the attack upon Flushing; and co-operated, in the Milford, under the flag of Sir R. King, in the defence of Cadiz. After further acting, off Cadiz and on the coast of Portugal, as Lieutenant in the Alfred 74, he was officially promoted, 21 March, 1812, and appointed to the Wolfe 24, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Jas. Lucas Yeo onthelakes of Canada, where he removed, 17 March, 1813, to the Melville, Capt. Fras. Brockell Spilsbury, and obtained command, 6 June and 1 Dec. 1814, of the Charwell and Netley. He returned home in Nov. 1816; and has not been since afloat. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.