ELLIOT. (Captain, 1828. f-p., 14; h-p., 18.)
Charles Elliot entered the Navy, 26 March, 1815, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Leviathan 74, Capt. Thos. Briggs, on the Mediterranean station; became Midshipman, in July, 1816, of the Minden 74, Capt. Wm, Paterson; and after participating, we believe, in the battle of Algiers, and serving for four years in the East Indies under the flag of Sir Rich. King, successively joined, in 1820-21, the Starling cutter, Lieut.-Commander John Reeve, Queen Charlotte 100, flag-ship at Portsmouth of Sir Jas. Hawkins Whitshed, and Iphigenia 42, bearing the broad pendant of Sir Robt. Mends on the coast of Africa. Attaining the rank of Lieutenant, 11 June, 1822, while in the Myrmidon 20, Capt. Henry John Leeke, he was afterwards appointed, in that capacity – on 19 of the same month, to the Iphigenia again – 22 March, 1823, to the Hussar 46, Capt. Geo. Harris, fitting for the Jamaica station – and, 19 June and 30 Aug. 1825, to the command there of the Union and Renegade schooners. On 1 Jan. 1826, we find him nominated Acting-Commander of the Serapis convalescent-ship, at Port Royal, where, on 14 April following, he was confirmed into the Magnificent hospital and store ship. After a further employment in the Bustard 10, and Harlequin 18, on the same station, Capt. Elliot, who has since been on half-pay, was promoted to his present rank by commission dated 28 Aug. 1828.
This officer was H.M.’s Plenipotentiary in China during the war, and was on board the Nemesis during most of the operations, which will be found detailed in our memoir of Capt. W. H. Hall, particularly in the passage from Macao to Whampoa, and in the attack on Canton. He is now Consul-General at Texas.