PETCH. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 16; h-p., 32.)
William Tatton Petch was born 22 Sept. 1790. He is brother of Lieut. Chas. Adolphus Petch, R.N. This officer entered the Navy, 15 March, 1799, as Third-cl. Boy, on board the Neptune 98, Capts. Erasmus Gower, Jas. Vashon, Edw. Brace, and Fras. Wm. Austen; in which ship, bearing the flag in the Channel of Vice-Admiral Jas. Gambier, he continued employed as Midshipman until paid off in April, 1802. Joining next, in March, 1805, after having been for a time attached to ther merchant service, the Belliqueux 64, Capt. Hon; Geo. Byng, he assisted on shore as Aide-de-Gamp to that officer at the reduction of the Cape of Good Hope in Jan. 1806; and on 27 of the following Nov. commanded a launch at the capture and destruction of a Dutch frigate, seven brigs of war, and 20 armed and other merchant-vessels in Batavia Roads. On his return to England in 1813 he followed Capt. Byng, as Master’s Mate, into the Warrior 74, and in Nov. of the same year sailed with the Prince of Orange for Holland. In the ensuing Dec. he removed to the Impregnable 98, successive flag-ship of Admiral Wm. Young and H.R.H. the Duke of Clarence; as Aide-de-Camp to the latter of whom we find him escorting the allied sovereigns from Calais to Dover. He was advanced in consequence (he had passed in 1808) to the rank of Lieutenant 27 June, 1814. With the exception of a short time passed in 1826-7 in the Coast Blockade as Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Ramillies 74, Capt. Hugh Pigot, he has since been on half-pay;
Lieut. Petch married, 18 April, 1816, Hannah, daughter of Thos. Stapleton, a Master in the merchant-service, by whom he has issue 9 children. His eldest son, Wm. Henry Petch, Second-Master R.N. (1844), has been acting, since Aug. 1844, as Master of the Prometheus steamer,- and Sealark sloop, on the coast of Afria. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.