LAPIDGE, K.I.C., K.S.F. (Captain, 1837. f-p., 32; h-p., 12.)
William Frederick Lapidge entered the Navy, 10 Nov. 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Plantagenet 74, Capts. Hon. Michael De Courcy, Fras. Pender, and Wm. Bradley, in which ship, with the exception of a voyage to St. Helena, he served on the Channel station until July, 1807. After attending the expeditions to Copenhagen and the Walcheren as Midshipman of the Dictator 64 and Audacious 74, both commanded by Capt. Donald Campbell, he joined, in Nov. 1809, the Impérieuse 38, Capts. Thos. Garth and Hon. Henry Duncan, and proceeded to the Mediterranean, where he remained employed, chiefly as Master’s Mate, Acting-Master, and Acting-Lieutenant of the same ship, and as Lieutenant (commission dated 9 April, 1814)of the Franchise 36, and Florida 20, until the summer of 1816. He was on board the Impérieuse at the destruction, 27 June, 1812, of a French convoy under the batteries of Languelia and Alassio; and he was in her, on 17 of the ensuing Aug., in a spirited skirmish with a Neapolitan squadron in the Bay of Naples. After he left the Florida, Mr. Lapidge’s appointments in the capacity of Lieutenant were – 23 Oct. 1819, to the Raleigh 18, Capt. Wm. Augustus Baumgardt, whom he accompanied to the West Indies – 27 June, 1822, and 23 Oct. 1823, to the Superb 74, and Ocean 80, guard-ships at Plymouth, Capts. Adam Mackenzie, Lucius Ferdinand Hardyman, and John Sykes – 9 Jan. 1827, to the Spartiate 78, Capt. Fred. Warren – and in 1830-1, to the successive command of the Messenger and Carron steamers, Vigilant ketch, and Leveret brig. In the last vessel he appears to have been employed during the civil war in Portugal. Being awarded a second promotal commission 2 Oct. 1833, Capt. Lapidge, on 21 of the following Nov., obtained command of the Ringdove 16. The services performed by him in that vessel on the north coast of Spain, particularly at the defence of Portugalete and the siege of Bilbao in Nov. and Dec. 1836, were acknowledged by the Queen Regent, who created him a Commander of Isabella la Catolica, and presented him with the second class of San Fernando. He attained Post-rank 6 Jan. 1837, but did not leave the Ringdove until the following April. His last appointment was, 23 Nov. 1843, to the Cyclops steam-frigate, in which we find him employed on particular service, and on the S.E. coast of America and Channel stations, until paid off at the commencement of 1847.
Capt. Lapidge married, in 1817, a sister of the late Capt. Sir Wm. Elliott, R.N., C.B. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.