CARR. (Commander, 1846. f-p., 23; h-p., 13.)
Washington Carr entered the Navy, 26 March, 1811, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Aquilon 32, Capt. Hon. Wm. Pakenham; attained the rating of Midshipman 11 Jan. 1812; and continued to serve in the same ship, under Capts. Wm. Bowles, Jas. Boxer, Thos. Burton, and Rich. Budd Vincent, until April, 1816. During that period he assisted at the destruction, in face of 1500 French soldiers, of seven large merchantmen, aground near Stralsund, and was employed in South America, as also in the Mediterranean, whither he escorted General Don and the outward-bound trade in 1814. Mr. Carr next joined the Malta 84, Capt. Thos. Gordon Caulfeild, and Superb 74, Capt. Chas. Ekins, both lying at Plymouth; became Admiralty Midshipman, in Nov. 1818, of the Severn 50, Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch, stationed in the Downs for the purposes of the Coast Blockade; and, on 12 Sept. 1821, was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. His next appointments were – 7 Jan. 1824, again to the Coast Blockade, as Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Ramillies 74, Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch – 3 May, 1830, to the Caledonia 120, Capts. Rich. Curry, Edw. Curzon, and Jas. Hillyar, employed on various particular services – 7 March, 1835, to the Excellent, Capt. Thos. Hastings, gunnery-ship at Portsmouth – 26 Sept. 1836, and 1 July, 1838, to the Téméraire 104, and Ocean 80, Capts. Thos. Fortescue Kennedy and Sir John Hill, guardships at Sheerness – 24 April, 1839, and 9 Oct. 1841, as First-Lieutenant, to the Belleisle 72 and Vindictive 50, both commanded by Capt. John Toup Nicolas, on the Mediterranean and Home stations – and, 30 May, 1843, to the command, in the West Indies, of the Hermes steam-sloop. He has been on half-pay since the attainment of his present rank, 9 Nov. 1846. Agents – Goode and Lawrence.