SQUIRE. (Retired Captain, 1843. f-p., 15; h-p., 37.)
Charles Frederick Squire entered the Navy, 26 July, 1795, as L.M., on board the Magnificent 74, Capt. Matthew Squire, stationed in the North Sea, where, in the following Sept., he attained the rating of Midshipman. After serving for 12 months at Plymouth in the Cambridge 74, Capt. Boger, he joined, in March, 1797, the Atlas 98, Capts. M. Squire, Shuldham Peard, and Theophilus Jones, attached to the Channel fleet. He served next on the Jamaica station, from July, 1799, until Oct. 1802, the last five months as Acting-Lieutenant, in the Décade frigate, Capts. Wallace and Wm. Geo. Rutherford, Sans Pareil 80, flag-ship of Lord Hugh Seymour, and Décade again, Capt. W. G. Rutherford. On 26 Nov. in the latter year he was officially promoted. He obtained an appointment in the Sea Fencibles 26 March, 1804; was employed, from 22 May, 1805, until 6 Oct. 1810, in the Montagu 74, Capts. Robt. Waller Otway and Rich. Hussey Moubray, in the Channel and Mediterranean; assumed acting-command, 3 Oct. 1811, of the Termagant sloop; was confirmed, 4 Dec. following, into the Onyx; and commanded for a short time, in 1812, the Hound bomb. While serving in the Montagu he assisted at the evacuation of Scylla, a fortified rock in the Faro of Messina, co-operated with the patriots on the coast of Catalonia, and aided at the reduction of Sta. Maura. In the Termagant, Onyx, and Hound he was stationed principally in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar and Cadiz. He accepted his present rank 9 Aug. 1843.