THRACKSTON. (Retired Commander, 1846. f-p., 10; h-p., 42.)
Edwin Thrackston entered the Navy, 3 May, 1795, as Midshipman, on board the Scipio 64, Capts. Robt. Macdoual, Chas. Sydney Davers, and Fras. Laforey, stationed in the West Indies, where he removed, in Feb. 1797, to the Experiment 44, Capt. John Barrett. In the following Dec, after having visited the coast of North America, he joined the Monarch 74, Capts. Edw. O’Bryen, Sam. Sutton, Archibald Dickson, and Jas. Robt. Mosse, in which ship he served at first in the North Sea under the flags of Sir Rich. Onslow and Sir Archibald Dickson, and next in the Baltic; on which station he fought and was wounded at the battle of Copenhagen 2 April, 1801. In the course of the same month he was received on board the flag-ship of Sir Hyde Parker, the London 98. He was made Lieutenant, 25 July following, into the Glatton 50, Capt. Wm. Birohall, lying at the Nore; was paid off from that ship at the peace; and was next, from July, 1803, until April, 1805, and from Dec. in the latter year until May, 1806, employed in the Princess Royal 98, Capts. Jas. Vashon, Herbert Sawyer, and Robt. Carthew Reynolds, and Bellona 74, Capt. John Erskine Douglas, on the Channel, West India, and North American stations. In 1829-30 he commanded the Arrow cutter of 10 guns at Portsmouth. He was placed on the Junior List of Retired Commanders 24 March, 1840; and on the Senior 29 June, 1846. Agents – Burnett and Holmes.