BROWN. (Lieut., 1822. f-p., 24; h-p., 11.)
Alexander Brown is son of J. O. Brown, Esq., of Edinburgh, by Agnes, daughter of Chas. Campbell, Esq., of Lochdochart.
This officer entered the Navy, 11 Dec. 1812, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Satellite 16, Capt. John Porteous, with whom he served in the Brazils and West Indies until Aug. 1814. He then removed to the Venerable 74, flag-ship of Sir Philip Durham, and next to the Oberon 14, and Sparrowhawk 16, Capts. Jas. Murray and Fred. Wm. Burgoyne, on the Leith station; became Midshipman, in Feb. 1815, of the Clio 16, Capt. Wm. Farington; re-joined Capt. Murray, in Sept. of the same year, in the Satellite, at Portsmouth; served, from Nov. following until May, 1819, in the Hyacinth 24, Capt. Alex. Renton Sharpe, and Amphion 32, Commodore Wm. Bowles and Capt. Wm. Bateman Dashwood, on the Brazilian station; and was attached, as Master’s Mate, from Jan. 1820 until Nov. 1822, to the Egeria 28, Capt. John Toup Nicolas, Clinker gun-brig, Lieut. -Commanders Wm. Martin, Jas. Rich. Booth, and John Eagar, and Valorous 26, Capt. Jas. Murray, employed off Newfoundland, whence he returned home with the Governor, Vice-Admiral Sir Chas. Hamilton. Mr. Brown, who was advanced to the rank of Lieutenant on 14 of the last-mentioned month, continued in the Valorous, engaged on Particular Service in the West Indies, until placed out of commission in the summer of 1824. His next appointment was, 26 Oct. 1825, to the Fly sloop, Capt. Fred. Augustus Wetherall, in the East Indies, where he was transferred, in 1828, to the Bombay, a new 84, just launched, Capt. Alex. Campbell, to assist in bringing her to England. He was paid off in the ensuing Oct., and was afterwards employed in the Coast Guard from 8 March, 1834, until 3 Dec. 1813. He has since been on half-pay.
Lieut. Brown married, 28 July, 1838, Honor, youngest daughter of Sir Rich. Burton, Kt., of Sackett’s Hill House, Isle of Thanet, and has issue.