SIMPKINSON. (Lieutenant, 1845. f-p., 11; h-p., 4.)
Francis Guillemard Simpkinson, born 26 May, 1819, is son of Sir John Augustus Fras. Simpkinson, Kt., Q.C., by Mary, daughter of John Griffin, Esq., of Bedford Place, London, and sister-in-law of Capt Sir John Franklin, R.N., Kt., K.C.H.
This officer entered the Navy, 16 March, 1832, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Britannia 120, Capt. Peter Rainier, under whom he was for three years employed on the Lisbon and Mediterranean stations. On his return to England in the early part of 1835 he joined, in the capacity of Midshipman (a rating he had previously attained), the Jupiter 38, Capt. Edw. Henry A’Court, fitting for the conveyance of Lord Heytesbury as Governor-General to India. That nobleman’s appointment being, however, cancelled in consequence of a change of Ministry, and the Jupiter being paid off, Mr. Simpkinson was received, in Oct. of the same year, on board the Sulphur surveying-vessel, Capt. Fred. Wm. Beechey, then on the point of sailing for South America; where, on his removal to the Samarang 28, Capt. Wm. Broughton, he was present, it appears, at Bahia during the insurrection of the black population, and at Callao during the hostilities between Chili and Peru in 1839. In Feb. 1840, having passed his examination 17 Sept. 1838, he was appointed Mate of the Excellent gunnery-ship at Portsmouth, Capt. Sir Thos. Hastings; and in the following Aug. he was admitted to the Royal Naval College. After he had studied for a period of 12 months at that institution, and distinguished himself as second on the list at the general examination, he joined in succession, in Aug. and Sept. 1841, the Warspite 50, and, as Gunnery Mate, the Cambrian 36, Capts. Lord John Hay and Henry Ducie Chads. By the latter officer, on the arrival of the Cambrian in China, he was sent on shore with a party of seamen to assist at the defence of the island of Chusan. He returned to England in Sept. 1842; and was next, between Sept. 1843 and Feb. 1844, employed on Home service in his former ship the Excellent, and in the Albion 90, Capt. Nich. Lockyer. Since the date last mentioned he has been attached to the Royal Magnetic Observatory at Hobart Town, V.D.L. His commission bears date 9 Dec. 1845.