MOSS. (Lieutenant, 1825.)
Charles Moss entered the; Navy 1 Sept. 1808, and was for some time Master’s Mate of the Sheldrake 16, Capt. Jas. Pattison Stewart, in which vessel he came into frequent contact with the Danish flotillas in the Baltic, co-operated, in 1811, in the brilliant defence of Anholdt, and was severely wounded in boarding a Danish sloop on the coast of Jutland. He passed his examination in 1814; obtained his commission 27 May, 1825; and was subsequently appointed – 2 Nov. 1825, as a Supernumerary, to the Hyperion 42, Coast Blockade ship, Capt. Wm. Jas. Mingaye – 6 July, 1832, to the Coast Guard, which he left in the early part of 1834 – 2 July, 1840, to the same service – and, 15 Oct. 1841, to the command of the Wickham Revenue cruizer. He continued in the latter vessel until the end of 1846, and is now again in the Coast Guard. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.