ALEXANDER. (Retired Captain, 1840. f-p., 11; h-p., 36.)
John Alexander entered the Navy, 5 May, 1800, as Ordinary, on board the Fairy 18, Capts. Fred. Warren and Rich. Bailing Dunn. If we except a brief attachment in 1804, and again in 1806, to the Æolus 32, Capt. Lord Wm. Fitzroy, and Hercule and Veteran, Capts. Barrington Dacres and Andrew Fitzherbert Evans, he afterwards, from Nov. 1801, until the early part of 1807, served uninterruptedly with Capt. Dunn, and nearly the whole time also with Admiral Sir John Thos. Duckworth, in the Southampton, Leviathan, Hercule, Acasta, and Royal George, on the West India and Mediterranean stations. While in the latter ship, he took part in a desperate skirmish with a body of Turks on the island of Prota, 27 Feb. 1807, and was severely wounded at the re-passage of the Dardanells.[1] Being promoted to a Lieutenancy (by commission dated 28 Feb. 1807) in the Standard 64, Capt. Thos. Harvey, he subsequently, on 26 June, 1808, succeeded, with the yawl belonging to that ship under his orders, in capturing a French despatch-boat, Le Léger although exposed to a sharp fire of musketry from the island of Corfu.[2] In the course of 1809-10 we next find Mr. Alexander successively joining the Glommen 18, Capt. Chas. Pickford, Moselle, Capt. Henry Boys, Hebe 38, Capt. John Fyfie, and, as Acting-Flag-Lieutenant to Vice-Admiral Bartholomew Sam. Rowley, the Polyphemus 64, all on the Jamaica station; where he lost the Fleur de la Mer, 8 Jan. 1811, then assumed command of the Découverte, and was promoted, by commission dated 14 March in the same year, to that of the Shark sloop. He invalided home in the following May, and has not been since employed. He retired with the rank of Captain 16 Sept. 1840.
Capt. Alexander, in consideration of the wound we have alluded to, was at the time presented with a gratuity from the Patriotic Fund. He married, 22 Aug. 1819, Anna Maria, second daughter of the Rev. J. Price, late vicar of Merriott, co. Somerset. Agents – Coplands and Burnett.