JOHNSTON. (Lieut., 1826. f-p., 20; h-p., 18)
Henry Johnston, born 2 Dec. 1795, is second son of the late Henry Johnston, Esq., merchant by his wife Henrietta Ogilvie, of Dundee, N.B.
This officer entered the Navy, 18 Feb; 1809 as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Nightingale 16, Capts Wm. Wilkinson, John Eveleigh, and Christopher Nixon, stationed in the North Sea, where, and in the Baltic, he served, as Midshipman, from 1812 to 1814, in the Gloucester 74, Capt. Robt. Williams Towards the close of the latter year, after he had been again employed for a few months under the orders of Capt. Wilkinson, in the Monmouth 64 on the Downs station, he joined the Tyne 24, Capt John Harper, with whom, on arriving in the East Indies, he removed, as a passed Midshipman, to the Wellesley 74. Returning to England with Capt John Bayley m the last-named ship in June 1816 Mr.Johnston immediately appointed Admiralty-Midshipman of the Leander 50, Capt. Edw Chetham, and was thus afforded an opportunity of sharing in the bombardment of Algiers. He was afterwards employed, from April, 1817, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 27 March 1826 in the Pactolus and Tigris frigates, commanded, on the North American and Channel stations, bv Capts Wm. Hugh Dobbie and Robt. Henderson, Ramillies 74, and Queen Charlotte 100; both lying in Portsmouth harbour, and Severn and Ramillies again, each commanded, for the purposes of the Coast Blockade, by Capt. Wm. M‘Culloch. His succeeding appointments were – 9 Oct. 1828 to the Hyperion 42, Capt. Wm. Jas. Mingaye, under whom he served, once more in the Coastal Bockade, until Dec. 1829 - for a few months in 1834, as supernumerary and First-Lieutenant, to the Thalia 46, and Raleigh 16, Capts. Robt. Wauchope and Mich. Quin, fitting at Chatham and Sheerness – and, 9 May, 1837, to the Téméraire 104, Capts. Thos. Fortescue Kennedy and Sir John Hill, guard-ship at the latter place. He has been on half-pay since 1838.
Lieut. Johnston married, in 1835, Louisa Drusilla Sidney, youngest daughter of the late Jas. Cummings, Esq., R.N.