ARCHBOLD. (Lieut, 1816. f-p., 8; h-p., 31.)
William Augustus Archbold entered the Navy, 14 July 1808, as Ordinary, on board the Curieux sloop, stationed in the West Indies, where he became Midshipman, in Aug. 1809, of the Surinam 18, and served, from Dec. 1810, to April, 1812, in the Gloire frigate, Capt. Jas. Carthew. Joining next the Barfleur 98, he witnessed in that ship Sir Edw. Pellew’s partial engagements with the French fleet off Toulon, 5 Nov. 1813, and 13 Feb. 1814; after which he removed successively to the Royal Sovereign and Royal Charlotte yachts, Capts. Sir Edw. Berry, Sir Edw. W. C. R. Owen, and Geo. Scott. He has not, since his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, which took place 11 March, 1816, been employed. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.