HODGSKIN. (Lieutenant, 1841. f-p., 13; h-p., 7.)
James Archibald Hodgskin is son of the late John Arundel Hodgskin, Esq., Lieutenant R.N. (1793.)
This officer entered the Navy, 3 Aug. 1827, as A.B., on board the Albion 74, Capt. John Acworth Ommanney,. After participating in the battle of Navarin, he joined, in March, 1828, the Chanticleer 2, Capt. Henry Foster, with whom he served, on a scientific mission, as Fst.-cl. Vol. and Midshipman, until Dec. 1829, when, being in the West Indies, his health obliged him to return to England. In April, 1831, he joined the Dublin 50, Capt. Lord Jas. Townshend, fitting for the South American station, whence he returned home in the capacity of Mate in Oct. 1834. Between Feb. 1835 and Oct. 1837, and again between April, 1838, and the date of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, 23 Nov. 1841, we find Mr. Hodgskin employed in the Medea steam-frigate, Capt. Horatio Thos. Austin, and Andromache 26, Capt. Robt. Lambert Baynes, on the Mediterranean, North America and West India, and Cape of Good Hope stations. His last appointments were, 28 March, 1843, and 8 Sept. 1846, to the Cyclops and Devastation steamers, Capts. H. T. Austin and Sir C. Hotham, to which vessels, stationed off the coasts of Ireland and Africa, he was but for a very short time attached.