PELHAM, K.S.F. (Captain, 1840. f-p., 15; h-p., 9.)
The Honourable Frederick Thomas Pelham, born 2 Aug. 1808, is second son of Thomas, second Earl of Chichester (who filled the office of Secretary to Lords Northington and Camden, when Lord-Lieutenants of Ireland, and was afterwards Secretary of State for the Home Department and Postmaster-General) by Henrietta Juliana, daughter of Fras. Godolphin, fifth Duke of Leeds. His brother, the present Earl of Chichester, is married to a sister of the Earl of Cardigan.
This officer entered the Navy 27 June, 1823; and while attached, as Midshipman, to the Sybille 48, Capt. Sam. John Pechell, was present in 1826 in an attack on the pirates in the Grecian Archipelago. He passed his examination in 1829; acquired the rank of Lieutenant 22 Feb. 1830; served as First of the Ferret 10, Capt. Edw. Wodehouse, on the Mediterranean station, from 28 April following until paid off at the commencement of 1832; and between 2 May in the latter year and the date of his promotion to the rank of Commander, 21 Sept. 1835, was employed on the north coast of Spain in the Castor 36, Capt. Lord John Hay. For services performed while in command, from 17 Jan. 1837 until the autumn of 1838, of the Tweed 20, on the Lisbon station, Capt. Pelham was presented, 9 Aug. 1839, with the cross of San Fernando. He attained Post-rank 3 July, 1840; and since 24 May, 1847, has been in command, in the Mediterranean, of the Odin steam-frigate, of 560 horse-power.
He married, in July, 1841, Ellen Kate, daughter of Rowland Mitchell, Esq., of Upper Harley Street, by whom he has issue. Agent – Joseph Woodhead.