BOOTH. (Lieutenant, 1836.)
Augustus Sinclair Booth passed his examination in 1831; obtained his commission 12 April, 1836; was appointed Additional-Lieutenant, 1 June following, of the Thalia 46, Capt. Robt. Wauchope, flag-ship at the Cape of Rear-Admiral Don. Campbell; joined, on 29 of the same month, the Columbine 16, Capt. Thos. Henderson, attached to the squadron on the African station, whence he returned in April, 1838; and from Feb. 1840, until paid off at the close of 1843, served on board the Thunderer 84, Capt. Dan. Pring, employed in the Mediterranean, and in attendance on the Queen off Walmer Castle. He has been employed, since 2.Dec. 1846, as First of the Penelope steam-frigate, Capt. Henry Wells Giffard. Agents – Collier and Snee.