NOURSE. (Lieutenant, 1841.)
Joseph Nourse entered the Navy 3 Jan. 1825; passed his examination 2 Jan. 1832; and, at the period of his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant 23 Nov. 1841, was serving at the Cape of Good Hope in the Southampton 50, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Durnford King. His succeeding appointments were – 3 Dec. following, again to the Southampton, in the capacity of Additional-Lieutenant – 8 Feb. 1842, to the command, which he retained for 12 months, of the Fawn brigantine, on the Cape station – 6 Feb. 1845, to the Rodney 92, Capt. Edw. Collier, fitting at Portsmouth – and, 6 May following, to the Rattler steam-sloop, Capts. Henry Smith (b) and Rich. Moorman, with whom he was for two years employed on Home service, the greater part of the time as First-Lieutenant. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.