RAMSEY. (Lieut., 1810. f-p., 26; h-p., 21.)
Edward Ramsey was born 14 Jan. 1790.
This officer entered the Navy, 1 Oct. 1800, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Monmouth 64, Capt. Geo. Hart; in which ship, after cruizing in the North Sea, he proceeded to the Mediterranean, and took part, as Midshipman, in the operations of 1801 in Egypt. Removing, in May, 1804, to the Atlas 74, Capts. Wm. Johnstone Hope and Sam. Pym, he fought under the latter in the action off St. Domingo 6 Feb. 1806. In the following July he joined the Colossus 74, Capt. Jas. Nicoll Morris; and on 21 March, 1810, up to which period he had been serving off Lisbon and in the Channel and Mediterranean, he was nominated Acting-Lieutenant, on the station last named, of the Leviathan 74, Capts. John Harvey and Patrick Campbell. His confirmation took place 4 May following. He was subsequently employed, from 19 Oct. 1811 until 25 Oct. 1814, in the Unité 36, Capt. Henry Edwin Chamberlayne, in the Adriatic; and from June, 1824, until July, 1828, in raising volunteers for the service at Liverpool. Since 7 Sept. 1841 he has filled the appointment of Director of Police at Sheerness Dockyard.