HOPE. (Commander, 1841. f-p., 15; h-p., 7.)
Thomas Hope, born 10 July, 1810, is third son of Sir John Hope, Bart., of Craighall, co. Fife, by Anne, fourth daughter of the late Sir John Wedderburn, Bart., of Blackness and Ballindean; brother of Lieut. Wm. Hope, of the 71st Regt., and of Jas. Wedderburn Hope, Esq., an officer in the 26th Bombay Native Infantry; and nephew of Wm. Hope, Esq., Master- Attendant at Calcutta, who died in 1837.
This officer entered the Navy 16 Feb. 1825; passed his examination in 1831; obtained his first commission 6 July, 1832; and was successively appointed – 20 Feb. 1833, as Supernumerary-Lieutenant, to the Melville 74, flag-ship in the East Indies of Sir John Gore – 9 Oct. 1833, to the Hyacinth 18, Capt. Fras. Price Blackwood, on the same station – and 14 March, 1837, as First, to the Sappho 16, Capt. Thos. Fraser. He served in the latter sloop in North America and the West Indies until promoted to his present rank 23 Nov. 1841; but has not been since employed. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.