WILLIAMS. (Commander, 1846.)
George Williams entered the Navy 1 Sept. 1819; passed his examination in 1827; and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 26 May, 1831. His succeeding appointments were, chiefly on Surveying service – 6 Dec. 1831, to the Fairy 10, Capt. Wm. Hewett, in the North Sea – 28 Aug. 1834, to the Medea steamer, Capt. Horatio Thos. Austin, in the Mediterranean – 4 July, 1836 (after four months of half-pay), to the Beacon 8, Lieut.-Commander Thos. Graves, on the same station, where he was superseded in, Nov. 1839 – 7 Feb. 1843, as Additional, to the Lucifer steamer, Capt. Fred. Wm. Beechey, on the coast of Ireland – and, 17 Nov. 1843, in a similar capacity, to the Royal Sovereign yacht, Capts. Sir Watkin Owen Pell and Gordon Thos. Falcon, at Pembroke. He was advanced to his present rank 2 July, 1846, and still continues employed on Surveying-service with his name on the books of the Royal Sovereign.