JOHNSTONE. (Commander, 1841. f-p., 13; h-p., 10.)
Henry Wedderburn Johnstone entered the Navy 29 June, 1824; passed his examination in 1830; obtained his first commission 18 Aug. 1831; and was subsequently appointed – 23 Jan. and 8 May, 1833, to the Donegal 78, and Britannia 120, flag-ships of Sir Pulteney Malcolm in the Mediterranean – 16 July, 1834, to the Endymion 50, Capt. Sir Sam. Roberts, with whom he returned home from Lisbon and was paid off in Nov. 1836 – 30 Jan. 1837, to the Excellent gunnery-ship at Portsmouth, Capt. Thos. Hastings – 7 Dec. 1837, as Senior-Lieutenant, to the Racehorse 18, Capt. Henry Wm. Craufurd, fitting for the North America and West India station, where he was superseded a few months afterwards – and, 9 Aug. 1841, in a similar capacity, to the Ardent steam-vessel, Capt. John Russell, lying at Chatham. He was advanced to his present rank on 23 of the following Nov., but has not been since afloat.