GARRETT. (Commander, 1833. f-p., 19; h-p., 18.)
John Garrett is second son of the late John Garrett, Esq., of Ellington, near Ramsgate, co. Kent; and brother of Lieut.-Colonel Garrett, K.H., commanding the 46th Regiment.
This officer entered the Navy, 12 May, 1810, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Hamadryad 36, Capt. Sir Thos. Staines, in which ship he visited St. Helena and cruized on the Irish station until June, 1812, when he followed the same Captain, as Midshipman, into the Briton 38. On his return from the Pacific in Aug. 1815, he joined the Niger 38, Capt. Peter Rainier; and then the Granicus 36, Capt. Wm. Furlong Wise. After sharing, as a passed Midshipman, in the battle of Algiers, 27 Aug. 1816, Mr. Garrett became successively attached, on the Irish, American, and Home stations, to the Cyrus 20, Capt. Wm. Fairbrother Carroll, Spartan 46, Capt. Wm. F. Wise, Wolf 14, Capt. Bernard Yeoman, and Valorous 26, Capt. Jas. Murray. He was promoted to a Lieutenancy, 26 March, 1822, in the Euryalus 42, Capt. Augustus Wm. Jas. CliiFord, on the Mediterranean station, and was afterwards appointed – 18 Sept. 1828, to the Shannon 46, Capt. Benj. Clement – 19 March, 1829, to the Slaney 20, Capt. Joseph O’Brien – 22 March, 1830, to the Mersey 26, Capt. Geo. Wm. Conway Courtenay – and, 5 July, 1831, to the Racehorse 18, Capt. Chas. Hamlyn Williams; all employed in the West Indies, where, on 18 of the latter month, he assumed the acting-command of the Falcon 10, in which ship he continued, latterly on the North Sea station, until 9 Dec. 1831. He acquired his present rank 19 Nov. 1833; and has since been on half-pay.