GRIFFIN. (Captain, 1842. f-p., 25; h-p., 10.)
William Griffin is son of W. Griffin, Esq., of Norwich, co. Norfolk; and brother of Commander Chas. Wm. Griffith Griffin (1843), who died 15 Aug. 1844.
This officer entered the Navy, 23 Aug. 1812, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Horatio 38, Capt. Lord Geo. Stuart, employed in the North Sea, where he was taken prisoner by the French in 1813, while engaged on a detached service. Rejoining the same nobleman, as Midshipman, in March 1814, on board the Newcastle 50, he proceeded to the coast of North America, on which station, during the continuance of the war with the United States, he bore a part in many active operations. After an attachment of some months in 1815-16 to the Queen Charlotte 100, and Boyne 98, flag-ships at Portsmouth of Sir Edw. Thornbrough, Mr. Griffin, on 12 July in the latter year, removed to the Minden 74, Capt. Wm. Paterson, with whom, after sharing in the battle of Algiers, 27 Aug. 1816, he proceeded to the East Indies, and there served, until Nov. 1820, part of the time as Master’s Mate, under the flag of Sir Rich. King. Wo next find him (having passed his examination in Aug. 1818) employed as Admiralty-Midshipman, again at Portsmouth, on board the Impregnable 104, and Britannia 120, flag-ships of Sir Alex. Cochrane. In Feb. 1824 he became Master’s Mate of the Maidstone 42, bearing the broad pendant on the coast of Africa of the present Sir Chas. Bullen; and on 12 Jan. 1825 he was confirmed a Lieutenant in the same ship. Returning home in Dec. 1825, he was next appointed – 4 Aug. 1827, to the command, for a period of nearly three months, of the Eclipse, a Falmouth packet – 1 Aug. 1829, to the Gloucester 74, Capt. Henry Stuart, in the Mediterranean – 28 June, 1831, to the Talavera 74, Capts. David Colby, Thos. Brown, and Edw. Chatham, of which ship, on again proceeding to the latter station, he became First Lieutenant – and, 15 Sept. 1835, to the Astraea, another Falmouth packet, Capt. John Clavell. He was promoted from that vessel to the rank of Commander 28 June, 1838; and on 26 of the ensuing Oct. was appointed Second Captain of the Ganges 84, Capt. Barrington Reynolds, in which ship, during the year 1840, he served on the coast of Syria and at the blockade of Alexandria. Capt. Griffin, who was paid off from the Ganges 18 April, 1842, and who has not since been employed, was rewarded for his Syrian services by a Post-commission dated 18 Oct. in the same year.
He married, 26 Sept. 1842, Mrs. Borlase, daughter of T. Gryles, Esq., of Bosahan, co. Cornwall. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.