SMITHERS. (Lieut., 1811. f-p., 13; h-p., 31.)
George Smithers entered the Navy, in the spring of 1803, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Prince 98, Capts. Rich. Grindall and Dan. Oliver Guion, lying at Plymouth, where, deducting an interval in 1804, he continued employed as Midshipman in the Salvador Del Mundo, Capt. John Loring, until transferred, in May, 1806, to the Triumph 74, Capt. Thos. Masterman Hardy. In that ship he served, for about two years on the coast of North America and off Flushing. He then joined the Ville de Paris 110, Capts. John Surman Garden and Rich. Thomas, under the former of whom he assisted, in Jan. 1809, in embarking the remains of General Moore’s army at Corunna. In the course of 1810 he was received in succession on board the Wizard sloop, Capt. Hon. Jas. Ashley Maude, Aetna bomb, Capt. John Fordyce Maples, and Barfleur 98, flag-ship of Hon. Geo. Cranfield Berkeley – the two former vessels employed at the defence of Cadiz, the Barfleur on the Lisbon station. He was nominated, 4 June, 1811, Acting-Lieutenant of the Alfred 74, Capts. Wm. Shepheard and Joshua Sydney Horton, also engaged at the defence of Cadiz; was confirmed to that ship 23 Aug. following; and, invaliding from her in March, 1812, was afterwards employed – from 29 Sept. 1812 until taken prisoner in Dec. 1813, in the Goldfinch brig, Capt. Edm. Waller, on the coast of France – from 1 Dec. 1814 until 4 Dec. 1815, in the Centaur 74, Capt. Thos. Gordon Caulfeild, with whom he visited Rio de Janeiro, the Cape of Good Hope, and St. Helena – and from 23 March, 1830, until 1832, in command of the Conflict 12, on the coast of Africa. He has since been on half-pay.