MELLERSH. (Lieutenant, 1837.)
Arthur Mellersh passed his examination in 1831; and on being advanced to his present rank, 24 Oct. 1837, was appointed Additional-Lieutenant of the Cornwallis 74, flag-ship of Hon. Sir Chas. Paget on the North America and West India station; where he removed, 8 March, 1838, to the Serpent 16, Capt. Rich. Laird Warren. On 22 July, 1839, a few months after his return to England, he joined the Phoenix steamer, Capt. Robt. Spencer Robinson, fitting for the Mediterranean. His appointments since he left that vessel have been, always in the capacity of First-Lieutenant – 1 March, 1840, and 6 May, 1841, to the Hydra steamer, and Tyne 26, Capts. Alex. Murray and John Townshend, likewise in the Mediterranean – 9 Feb. 1842, to the Minden hospital-ship in the East Indies, Capt. Michael Quin – and, 22 March, 1845, to the Vernon 50, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sam. Hood Inglefield, at first on the S.E. coast of America, and then in the East Indies, where he is now serving. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.