MUSTON. (Retired Captain, 1840. f-p., 12; h-p., 39.)
Thomas Goldwyer Muston entered the Navy 24 July, 1796, as Midshipman, on board, we believe, the Iris 32, Capt. Thos. Surridge, with whom, after serving for 12 months in the North Sea, he sailed in 1797 for India as Master’s Mate of the Leopard 50, and there, in May, 1802, followed him into the Trident 64; of which ship, bearing for some time the flag of Admiral Rainier, he became an acting and a confirmed Lieutenant 31 March, 1803, and 4 July, 1804. His succeeding appointments were – 8 Sept. 1804, to the Albion 74, Capt. John Ferrier, also in the East Indies, where his health soon obliged him to invalid – 19 Aug. and 24 Nov. 1806, to the Spartan 38, and Africa 64, Capts. Geo. Astle and Wm. Henry Bayntun, on the Home and South American stations – and, 28 Jan. and 8 Aug. 1808, to the Victory 100, and Caledonia 120, flagships at the Nore and in the Channel of Sir Jas. Saumarez and Lord Gambier. For the distinguished manner in which he conducted the Harmony fire-vessel, at the destruction of the French shipping in Aix Roads, Lieut. Muston was promoted, on the recommendation of Lord Cochrane, to the command, 11 April, 1809, of the Doterel 18. In that sloop he served off Lisbon until the ensuing Sept. In 1810 he was again ordered to India to join Vice-Admiral Wm. O’Brien Drury on promotion. Finding, however, on his arrival that that gallant officer had just expired, he was under the necessity of returning to England without having received any appointment. It was afterwards proposed to send him on Admiralty promotion to the West Indies; but this offer the state of his health obliged him to decline. Unable subsequently to procure employment, he accepted, 10 Sept. 1840, the rank he now holds.
Capt. Muston married, in 1816, Susanna Eliza, daughter of Nathaniel Godbold, Esq., of London. Agents – Goode and Lawrence.