ARNOLD. (Lieutenant, 1810.)
James Fearnley Arnold entered the Navy, 21 Sept. 1803, as Master’s Mate, on board the Repulse 74, Capts. Hon. Arthur Kaye Legge and John Halliday. Under the former officer, he took part in Sir Robt. Calder’s action, 22 July, 1805, was present at the passage of the Dardanells in Feb. 1807, and accompanied the expedition to Flushing in Aug. 1809. After a further servitude in the Hibernia 110, Capt. Rich. John Neve, he obtained a commission, dated 4 May, 1810, and was next appointed, on the Home station – 24 Oct. 1810, to the Bedford 74, Capt. Jas. Walker – in May, 1813, to the command of the Neptune tender – 12 Jan. 1814, to the Puissant 74, Capt. Benj. Wm. Page – and, 17 Aug. 1822, to the Coast Guard. He has been employed, since 12 June, 1846, in the Ocean 80, guard-ship at Sheerness, Capt. Rich. Arthur. Agents – Hallett and Robinson.