CHALONER. (ommander, 1845.)
Thomas Chaloner, born 6 Feb. 1815, is youngest son of the late Robt. Chaloner, Esq., of Gainsborough, co. York (a gentleman of ancient Welsh extraction), by Frances Laura, daughter of Thomas, first Lord Dundas; brother of Wm. Chaloner, Esq., who was lost at sea while proceeding to join his regiment at Halifax; nephew of the late Rear-Admiral Hon. Geo. Heneage Lawrence Dundas, C.B., and, by marriage, of the present Earl Fitzwilliam; grand-nephew of the late Admiral Sir Elias Harvey, G.C.B.; and first-cousin of the present Earl of Zetland.
This officer entered the Navy 5 Aug. 1827; and was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, in compliment to the memory of his uncle, Rear-Admiral Hon. G. H. L. Dundas, 17 Nov. 1834. He was afterwards appointed – 26 March, 1835, to the Dublin 50, Capts. Chas. Hope and Geo. Wickens Willes, flag-ship of Sir Graham Eden Hamond, in South America – 18 April, 1836, to the Harrier 18, Capt. Wm. Henry Hallowell Carew, on the same station – and, 18 Nov. 1839, and 14 July, 1841, as First Lieutenant to the Wanderer 16, Capt. Hon. Joseph Denman, and Bittern 16, Capts. Hon. B. C. F. P. Cary and Edm. Peel, both actively employed in suppressing the slave-trade on the coast of Africa. He attained his present rank 24 March, 1845, and, since 10 Nov. 1846, has been in command of the Siren 16, on the coast of Africa.