GARRETT. (Lieut., 1809. f-p., 28; h-p., 20.)
Henry Garrett was born 19 Dec. 1786, at Hambledon, co. Southampton.
This officer entered the Navy, 10 Aug. 1799, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Impregnable 98, Capt. Jonathan Faulknor, under whom, on 19 Oct. following, he was wrecked, as Midshipman, between Langstone and Chichester. He then joined the Puissant, at Spithead, and, while afterwards attached, from Jan. 1801, to Jan. 1806, to the Belleisle 74, Capts. Wm. Domett, Chas. Boyles, John Whitby, and Wm. Hargood, accompanied Lord Nelson to the West Indies in pursuit of the combined fleets of France and Spain, and took part in the battle of Trafalgar. On subsequently joining the Culloden 74, bearing the flag in the East Indies of Sir Edw. Pellew, he was there appointed Acting-Lieutenant, 18 April, 1807, of La Bellone 28, Capt. John Bastard; in which capacity he followed the latter officer into the Dédaigneuse 36, and next removed to the Psyche 36, Capts. John Edgecombe and Robt. Worgan Geo. Festing. Mr. Garrett, who commanded the boats of the latter vessel at the attack on a fort and the destruction of several vessels at Rutterah, during a rebellion among the natives of Travancore, on the Malabar coast, was not, however, confirmed by the Admiralty until 21 Aug. 1809; at which period he had been fulfilling for eight months the duties of First-Lieutenant of a frigate. In 1810-11, being still Senior of the Psyche, he assisted at the reduction of the Mauritius and of the island of Java. As Supernumerary-Lieutenant of the Rhin 38, Capt. Chas. Malcolm, he afterwards, during the summer of 1812, served on shore in co-operation with the patriots on the north coast of Spain, and was wounded while in command of a battery at Santander. His next appointments, we fimd, were – 11 Dec. 1813, to the Medway 74, flag-ship of Sir Chas. Tyler at the Cape of Good Hope – and, 7 Feb. 1815, to the Harpy 18, Capt. Geo. Tyler, with whom he returned home and was paid off in March, 1816. From 8 March, 1832, to 8 March, 1837, he appears to have had charge of the Semaphore station at Holder Hill, co. Sussex. Since 10 Dec. 1841, he has been similarly employed at Petersfield, co. Hants.
Lieut. Garrett married, 10 Oct. 1816, a daughter of the late Mr. Goldsmith, of Southampton. Agents – Messrs. Chard.