CLEAVELAND. (Lieut., 1842. f-p., 14; h-p., 1.)
George Cleaveland, born 9 Sept. 1818, is nephew of Capt. Sir Robt. Oliver, R.N., K.H.
This officer entered the Navy, 25 June, 1832, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Dee steam-vessel, commanded by his uncle, Capt. Robt. Oliver, in the North Sea; became Midshipman, 27 June, 1834, of the Britannia 120, flag-ship of Sir Pulteney Malcolm, in the Mediterranean; and, until July, 1841, continued to serve, on the latter station, on board the Medea steamer, Capt. Horatio Thos. Austin, Malabar 74, Capt. Sir Wm. Aug. Montagu, and, the last three years as Mate, on board the Princess Charlotte 104, bearing the flag of Sir Robt. Stopford, under whom he shared, including the bombardment of St. Jean d’Acre, in the various operations of the Syrian campaign. He then joined, at Portsmouth, the Queen 110, fitting for the flag of Sir Edw. W. C. R. Owen; and, on 7 Feb. 1842, obtained his commission. His appointments have since been – 18 March, 1842, to the Styx steam-vessel, Capt. Alex. Thos. Emeric Vidal, employed in surveying the Azores – 8 Feb. 1843, and 28 March, 1844, to the Tartarus and Hecate steam surveying-vessels, commanded on the coast of Ireland by Capts. Fred. Bullock and Jas. Paterson Bower – and, 4 March, 1845, to the Hibernia 104, now flag-ship of Sir Wm. Parker in the Mediterranean. Agents – Messrs. Ommanney.