PORTER. (Lieut., 1814. f-p., 10;[1] h-p., 33.)
William Porter entered the Navy, in Nov. 1804, as li.M., on board the Monarch 74, Capt. John Clarke Searle, bearing the flag of Lord Keith in the Downs. From Feb. 1805 until Feb. 1810 he served in the Channel, Baltic, and North Sea, chiefly in the capacity of Midshipman, in the Constant 12, Lieutenant-Commander John Stokes; he then joined the Nautilus 18, Capt. Thos. Dench, attached to the force in the Mediterranean; and in March, 1813, after a servitude of two years on that and the Home stations, part of the time as Second Master, in the San Josef 110, and Queen Charlotte 100, flag-ships of Sir Chas. Cotton and Lord Keith, was again placed under the orders of Lieut. Stokes in the. Constant. From the following April until confirmed in his present rank 10 Aug. 1814, he was a second time employed, as Master’s Mate and Acting Lieutenant, in the San Josef, under the flag, in the Mediterranean, of Sir Rich. King. Subsequently to Feb. 1820 he held an appointment in the Water Guard.
- ↑ Apart from the time he passed in the Water Guard.