BEART. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 9; h-p., 31.)
Charles James Beart entered the Navy, 1 April, 1807, as Fst.-cl Vol., on board the Roebuck 44, Capt. Rich. Curry, bearing the flag at North Yarmouth of Vice-Admiral Billy Douglas; removed, in the course of the same year, to the Ariadne 20, Capt. Arthur Farquhar, stationed in the North Sea; and there became, 3 Sept. 1809, Midshipman of the Aboukir 74, Capt. Geo. Parker. Continuing to serve in the latter ship until Sept. 1815, he took part, under Rear-Admiral Thos. Byam Martin, in the defence of Riga, as also, under Capt. Norborne Thompson, in the reduction of Genoa, in April, 1814. From the Aboukir, Mr. Beart was appointed Admiralty Midshipman of the Cherokee 10, Capt. Wm. Ramage, on the Leith station, where he appears to have been employed until 3 Dec. following, 1815. He was then promoted to his present rank by commission dated back to 15 March in the same year, but has not since been afloat.