BOARDMAN. (Lieut., 1809. f-p., 17; h-p., 29.)
Robert Ball Boardman entered the Navy, 1 July, 1801, as Fst.-cl. Boy, on board the Actaeon sloop, Capt. Philip Hue, and in March, 1802, joined the Cruizer 18, Capt. John Hancock. Under the latter officer, during a continuance of three years on the North Sea station, we find him bearing part, as Midshipman, in many encounters with the enemy, especially, on 16 May, 1804, in the Croizer’s gallant engagement of six hours and a half with a division of the French flotilla, consisting of 59 sail, passing along-shore from Flushing to Ostend, whose fire occasioned her a loss of 1 man killed and 4 wounded; and in her close action, 23 Oct. following, with a praam, which was completely silenced in less than an hour and a half. Mr. Boardman also contributed to the capture of several privateers, and, among others, on 17 Nov. 1804, of the notorious Contre Amiral de Magom, of 17 guns and 84 men. He next joined the Ville de Paris first-rate, bearing the flag in the Channel of Hon. Wm. Cornwallis, and, in May, 1806, the Montagu 74, Capts. Robt. Waller Otway and Rich. Hussey Moubray, on the Mediterranean station, where, under the former officer, he assisted at the evacuation of Scylla, 17 Feb. 1808, and in the subsequent co-operations with the patriots on the coast of Catalonia. Being confirmed a Lieutenant, 19 May, 1809, in the Fame 74, Capts. Rich. Hen. Alex. Bennett and Phipps Hornby, he was afterwards appointed, in that capacity – 13 Nov. 1810, to La Belle Poule 38, Capts. Jas. Brisbane, Geo. Harris, and Fras. Baker,under the first of whom he witnessed the destruction, 5 May, 1811, despite many severe obstacles, of a French 18-gun brig in the small harbour of Parenza[1] – and, 16 Sept. 1815, to the Bacchus brig, Capts. Wm. Hill and John Pengelly Parkin, employed on the East India station. He was paid off, 3 June, 1818, and has not since been employed.
Lieut. Boardman, having lost his first wife in 1838, married, secondly, 24 July, 1839, the widow of the late Commander Robt. Andoe, R.N.
- ↑ Vide Gaz. 1811, p. 1547.