FORBES. (Captain, 1846. f-p., 18; h-p., 9.)
Arthur Forbes entered the Navy 22 Aug. 1820; and obtained his first commission 1 1 March, 1826. He afterwards joined – 11 March, 1828, the Jasper 10, Capt. Leonard Chas. Rooke, in the Mediterranean – 3 Dec. 1831, the Harrier 18, Capt. Spencer Lambert Hunter Vassall, fitting for the East Indies – and 3 April, 1834, the Magicienne 24, Capts. Jas. Hanway Plumridge and Geo. Wm. St. John Mildmay, to which vessel, on her being paid off on her return from the latter station, he was re-appointed, as First-Lieutenant, 13 May, 1835. After serving for upwards of three years on the Lisbon station, Mr. Forbes was promoted to the rank of Commander 27 Dec. 1838. From 18 Aug. 1841 until 1845 he officiated as Second-Captain of the Illustrious 72, bearing the flag of Sir Chas. Adam on the North America and West India station; but since the latter date he has been on half-pay. His elevation to the rank he now holds took place 27 Aug. 1846.