GRAYDON. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 10; h-p., 31.)
James Newenham Graydon entered the Navy, 3 March, 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Alcmène 32, Capts. Jas. Brisbane and Wm. Hen. Brown Tremlett, in which frigate he served off the coasts of France and Spain, latterly as Midshipman, until wrecked, off Nantes, while blockading two of the enemy’s frigates, 29 April, 1809. In June following he joined the Milford 74, Capt. Broughton, stationed off L’Orient; and he was next successively employed, between Aug. 1810 and June, 1814, towards the close of the time as Acting-Lieutenant, in the Dove cutter, Lieut.-Commanders Rich. Crossman and Jas. Allen, and Charger and Imogene brigs, Capts. Jas. Askey and Wm. Ross Bamber, on the Cadiz, Mediterranean, and Home stations. He then became attached, in the capacity last mentioned, to the Tartarus 20, Capt. John Pasco, and Banterer brig, Capt. Chas. Warde. Since the receipt of his commission, which bears date 13 March, 1815, he has been on half-pay. Agents – Pettet and Newton.