HENSLEY. (Lieut., 1813. f-p., 9; h-p., 32)
Charles Hensley entered the Navy, 31 Jan. 1806, as Third-cl. Boy, on board the Nassau 64, Capt. Robt. Campbell. After serving for some time at the blockade of the Texel, and attending, as Midshipman, the expedition to Copenhagen, he assisted, 22 March, 1808 (on the Nassau’s hardwrought extrication from a mass of ice in which she had been blocked up during the whole winter), at the. capture and destruction, when in company with the Stately 64, of the Danish 74-gun ship Prindts Chistian. Frederic – an achievement accomplished at the close of a long running fight in which the Nassau sustained a loss of 2 men killed and 16. wounded. While next attached, between Nov. 1809 and Aug. 1813, to the Eagle 74, Capt. Chas. Rowley, Mr. Hensley served with great activity on the Mediterranean and Adriatic stations, contributing, during that period, to the capture, 27 Nov. 1811, of La Carceyre French frigate, pierced foe 40 but mounting only 28 guns, and the reduction,, in July, 1813, of the town of Fiumé. On leaving the Eagle he became Master’s Mate of the Union 98, Capt. Robt. Rolles, in which ship (being confirmed to her by commission dated 20. Oct. 1813) he further served in the Mediterranean until July, 1814. His last appointment was, 4 May, 1815, to the Towey 24, Capt. Hew Steuart, with whom, during a continuance of three months in, that ship, he served at Falmouth and off Havre de Grace.