BARNARD. (Lieut., 1841. f-p., 19; h-p., 0.)
Edward King Barnard, born 1 July, 1815, is son of Capt. Edw. Barnard, R.N.
This officer entered the Royal Naval College in Aug. 1828; and embarked, 17 Dec. 1829, as Midshipman, on board the Britomart 10, Capt. Johnson, on the Home station. During the four following years he served, in the Mediterranean, on board the Favorite 18, Capt. Joseph Harrison, Pelican 18, Capt. Joseph Gape, Britannia 120, flag-ship of Sir Pulteney Malcolm, and, we believe, the Scylla 16. He then, on joining the Ocean 80, commanded by his father as flag-ship at the Nore of Sir Rich. King, passed his examination, and for another period of four years was employed in the East Indies on board the Winchester 52, bearing the flag of Hon. Sir Thos. Bladen Capel. At length Mr. Barnard, after a further attachment to the Royal Adelaide 104, flag-ship at Plymouth of Lord Amelius Beauclerk, Gorgon steam-frigate, commanded during the Carlist warfare in Spain by Capt. Sidney Colpoys Dacres, and Wizard 10, Lieut.-Commander Thos. Fred. Birch, employed in suppressing the African slave-trade, obtained a commission, dated 23 Nov. 1841; since which period his appointments have been – 8 June, 1842, to the Excellent gunnery-ship at Portsmouth, Capt. Sir Thos. Hastings – and 27 May, 1843, to the Virago steam-sloop, Capts. George Graham Otway and John Lunn, now in the Mediterranean. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.