STONE. (Lieut., 1824. f-p., 13; h-p., 22.)
John Stone was born 28 July, 1799.
This officer entered the Navy, 12 Feb. 1812, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the North Star 28, Capts. Thos. Coe and Geo. Bentham, with whom he served in the Channel and West Indies, part of the time in the capacity of Midshipman, until 30 April, 1816. He was afterwards employed – from 20 Aug. 1816 until July, 1819, in the Weymouth store-ship, Master- Commander Rich. Turner, in the Mediterranean and Baltic – from July, 1819, until 20 April, 1823, as Midshipman and Mate (he passed his examination in Aug. 1818), in the Superb 78, Capts. Thos. White and Adam Mackenzie (bearing the broad pendant at first of Commodore Sir Thos. Masterman Hardy), in South America – and from 20 April, 1823, until 3 Dec. 1824, in the Hussar 46, Capt. Geo. Harris, on the Lisbon and West India stations. He was then, for his exertions in the suppression of piracy, presented with a commission dated 20 Aug. 1824. He has since been on half-pay.
Lieut. Stone married, 6 Sept. 1836, Miss Ann Warton Johnson, of Greenwich, co. Kent.