WATKINS. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 10; h-p., 31.)
Walter Watkins entered the Navy, 22 Dec. 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Malabar 74, Capt. John Temple, stationed in the North Sea. He was employed afterwards – from 21 April, 1807, until 27 March, 1809, and from 28 March, 1809, until 26 May, 1811, as Midshipman (a rating he had before attained) in the Valiant 74, Capts. Jas. Young, Kerr, and John Bligh, and Lynx sloop, Capts. John Willoughby Marshall and Percival, in the Channel and Baltic – from 27 May, 1811, until Feb. 1814, as Master’s Mate, in the Calliope 10, Capts. John M‘Kerlie and John Codd, again in the North Sea – and from Feb. 1814 until presented, in April, 1815, with a commission bearing date 28 Feb. preceding, in the Tonnant 80, flag-ship of Hon. Sir Alex. Cochrane on the coast of North America. In the Calliope he assisted in driving a privateer of 16 guns into the Vlie Passage, and co-operated with the allies in the rivers Ems, Elbe, Weser, and Jade. His last appointment was, 6 April, 1815, to the Jaseur 16, Capts. Nicholas Lechmere Patershall and Nagle Lock, on the Halifax station, whence he returned in Aug. 1816.
Lieut. Watkins married, 13 Sept. 1843, Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. Pratt, of Mincing Lane, London. Agent – J. Hinxman.