WILLOUGHBY. (Lieutenant, 1843.)
Francis Willoughby, born 22 Oct. 1816, is fifth son of Robt. Willoughby, Esq., of Kingsbury Cliff, co. Warwick, a Magistrate and Deputy-Lieutenant, by his third wife, Avarilla, eldest daughter of Edw. Croxall, Esq., of Thurstoke, in the same co.; and nephew of Rear-Admiral Sir Nesbit Josiah Willoughby, Kt., C.B., K.C.H. One of his brothers, Henry John, is a Lieutenant in the 2nd European Regiment, Bombay Army.
This officer entered the Navy 2 June, 1830; passed his examination 10 Sept. 1836; and served as Mate in the Southampton 50, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Durnford King, and Gorgon steamer, Capt. Chas. Hotham, at the Cape of Good Hope and in South America, from 1840 until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 1 Nov. 1843. He was appointed, 28 of the month last-mentioned, Additional of the Alfred 50, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore John Brett Purvis on the coast of Brazil; was employed from 21 Feb. 1844 until the early part of 1847 in the Daphne 18, Capt. John Jas. Onslow, in the Pacific; and from 5 Oct. in the latter year until superseded in May, 1848, was First-Lieutenant, in the Mediterranean, of the Hecate steam-sloop, of 240 horse-power, Capt. Rich. Moorman.