TRIBE. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 20; h-p., 21.)
Thomas Tribe entered the Navy, 2 Aug. 1806, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Crocodile 22, Capts. Geo. Edm. Byron Bettesworth and Hon. Geo. Cadogan, employed on the Halifax, Guernsey, Cape of Good Hope, and Lisbon stations. In May, 1809, he removed as Midshipman (a rating he had before attained) to the Sceptre 74, Capts. .Joseph Bingham and Sam. Jas. Ballard; he served next, from Jan. 1812 until June, 1813, in the Boyne 98 and Ville de Paris 110, flag-ships of Sir Harry Burrard Neale off Brest; in Sept. of the latter year he joined the Dictator 64, Capt. Hon. Geo. Alfred Crofton, lying at Portsmouth; and from the following Nov. until June, 1815, he was employed on the coast of North America in the Severn 40, Capt. Joseph Nourse, Ruby 64, Capt. Owen, Wasp sloop, and Majestic 56, Capt. John Hayes. In the Sceptre he accompanied the expedition to the Walcheren, assisted at the reduction of Guadeloupe, and cruized in the Bay of Biscay; in the Majestic he witnessed the surrender, 15 Jan. 1815, of the American ship President. On leaving her he was received for a few weeks, as Master’s Mate, on board the Caledonia 120, Capt. Sir Arch. Collingwood Dickson, lying at Plymouth. He attained the rank of Lieutenant 19 Sept. 1815; and has been since appointed – in 1833, to the charge, for four years, of a Semaphore station – 8 Aug. 1838, to the Coast-Guard, in which service he remained until the early part of 1844 – and 24 Sept. 1846 and 1 March, 1848, to the Ocean 80 and Wellington 72, guardships at Sheerness, both commanded by Capt. David Price, under whom he continues. Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.