ROGERS. (Lieut., 1811. f-p., 14; h-p., 32.)
James Rogers (b) entered the Navy, 1 May, 1801, as A.B., on board the Active 38, Capts. Chas. Sydney Davers and Rich. Hussey Moubray, stationed in the Mediterranean, and, in Feb. 1807, was present as Midshipman of that frigate at the passage of the Dardanells. Towards the close of the same year a prize, of which he had been placed in charge, foundered after encountering a series of gales. Having beforehand removed with his crew into a boat, he was picked up, carried into a French port, and there made prisoner. On being exchanged he joined, 6 Oct. 1808, the Unité 36, Capt. Pat. Campbell, also in the Mediterranean; where he continued employed as Acting-Lieutenant and Acting- Master in the Spider gun-brig, Lieut.-Commander Wm. Sandford Oliver, and as Master’s Mate and Acting-Lieutenant in the Warrior 74, Capt. John Wm. Spranger, until April, 1811. In the course of that month he was received on board the Edinburgh 74, Capt. Robt. Rolles, lying in the river Thames. He returned, however, in a few weeks, to the Mediterranean in the Caledonia 120, flag-ship of Sir Edw. Pellew; and, on 10 Dec. 1811, after he had again acted as Lieutenant in the Bombay 74, Capt. Wm. Cuming, he was confirmed to that rank in the Repulse 74, Capt. R. H. Moubray. He served subsequently in the Minstrel 20, Capt. John Strutt Peyton, and Ganymede 26, Capt. John Brett Purvis, on the Mediterranean station. He invalided home from the Mediterranean in Sept. 1814 on board the Edinburgh; and has since been on half-pay.