DAVIES. (Lieut., 1815. f-p., 14; h-p., 27.)
William Rees Davies entered the Navy, 16 Aug. 1806, as a Supernumerary, on board the Mars 74, Capt. Robt. Dudley Oliver, attached to the fleet in the Channel. From Sept. following until Oct. 1809, he next officiated as Fst.-cl. Vol, and Midshipman of the Superb 74, Captain, afterwards Rear-Admiral, Sir Rich. Goodwin Keats; and during that period attended the expedition to Copenhagen, in Aug. and Sept. 1807, was present at the embarkation from Nyeborg of the Marquis de la Romana and his army, 11 Aug. 1808, and assisted at the bombardment of Flushing, in Aug. 1809. In Nov. following Mr. Davies joined the Jason 32, Capt. Hon. Jas. Wm. King, with whom he served off Newfoundland until transferred, in Aug. 1811, to La Minerve 38, Capt. Rich. Hawkins, on the West India station. He returned to England in May, 1814; and, while next attached to the Saracen sloop, Capt. Alex. Dixie, was promoted to his present rank 15 Feb. 1815. He subsequently, from 14 March, 1841, until the close of 1845, served in the Niagara 20, Montreal schooner, and Mohawk steamer, Capts. Williams Sandom and Wm. Newton Fowell, on the Canadian Lakes; where, since 5 Dec. 1846, he has been again employed with Capt. Fowell, on board the Cherokee steam-vessel.