NOBLE. (Captain, 1846.)
Jeffery Wheelock Noble is son of Vice-Admiral Jas. Noble.
This officer entered the Navy 5 Nov. 1816; passed his examination in 1824; served as Mate of the Boadicea frigate during the Burmese war; and was made Lieutenant, 11 Oct. 1826, into the Tamar 26, Capt. Jas. John Gordon Bremer. His appointments after he left that ship were, in the capacity of Senior Lieutenant – 17 April, 1831, to the Pallas 42, Capts. Manley Hall Dixon and Wm. Walpole, under whom he was for three years employed on the North America and West India station – 19 May, 1834, to the Tribune 24, Capt. Jas. Tomkinson, fitting for the Mediterranean, whence he returned to England and was paid off in the early part of 1833 – and, 29 Nov. in the latter year, to the Inconstant 36, Capts. Dan. Pring and Fred. Thos. Michell. In the last-mentioned ship, until promoted to the rank of Commander, 23 Nov. 1841, he was again employed on the Mediterranean station; where, and in North America and the West Indies, he officiated, from 4 Jan. 1842 until paid off in 1844, and from 5 March, 1845, until advanced to his present rank, 9 Nov. 1846, as Second Captain of the Indus 78, Capt. Sir Jas. Stirling, and Vindictive 50, flag-ship of Sir Fras. Wm. Austen. He is now on half-pay. Agents – Holmes and Folkard.