MALING. (Lieutenant, 1829.)
Irwin Maling died 26 March, 1845, at sea, on board the brig Royalist, from Sierra Leone, aged 32, having invalided at that place from H.M. steam-frigate Penelope on 8 of the previous Feb.
This officer entered the Navy 2 Feb. 1823; passed his examination in 1831; obtained his commission 16 Dec. 1839; and was appointed – on 20 of the same month, as Additional, to the Princess Charlotte 104, flag-ship in the Mediterranean of Hon. Robt. Stopford – 14 March, 1840, to the Hydra steamer, of which vessel (commanded in the Mediterranean and in North America and the West Indies by Capts. Robt. Spencer Robinson and Alex. Murray) he became First-Lieutenant – and, 1 July, 1843, to the Penelope steam-frigate, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Wm. Jones on the coast of Africa.
Agents – Messrs. Halford and Co.