PROBERT. (Lieutenant, 1844.)
John Wale Probert died 7 Sept. 1847, of African fever, at the island of Banana, while serving as First-Lieutenant of the Siren sloop, aged 31. He was third son of T. Probert, Esq., of Newport, Essex.
This officer entered the Navy 19 Feb. 1829; passed his examination 27 Oct. 1835; served for some time in the Mediterranean, as Mate, in the Implacable 74, Capt. Edw. Harvey; and from 1841, until promoted to the rank of Lieutenant 12 Feb. 1844, was employed in a similar capacity on the North America and West India station in the Spartan 26, Capt. Hon. Chas. G. J. B. Elliot. His last appointments were – 22 Aug. 1844, as Additional, to the Formidable 84, flag-ship of Sir Edw. W. C. R. Owen in the Mediterranean – 25 Oct. 1844, to the Snake 16, Capt. Hon. Walter Bourchier Devereux, on the same station – and 9 Aug. 1845, to the Siren 16, Capts. Harry Edm. Edgell and Thos. Chaloner, employed at first in the Mediterranean and afterwards on the coast of Africa, where he died.