HENRY. (Captain, 1843. f-p., 17; h-p., 7.)
Hastings Reginald Henry, born in March, 1808, is son of the late John Joseph Henry, Esq., of Straffan, co. Kildare, by the Lady Emily Elizabeth Fitzgerald, daughter of the late and sister of the present Duke of Leinster. Capt. Henry, whose brother, Geo. Augustus, is a Commander R.N., has several other relatives in the service.
This officer entered the Navy, 20 Aug. 1823, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Sybille 48, Capt. Sam. John Brooke Pechell, and, proceeding to the Mediterranean, was present, 18 June, 1826, in a desperate action with some pirates off Candia, in which the British sustained a loss of 12 men killed and 29 wounded. He afterwards served on the Home station, as Midshipman and Mate, in the Columbine sloop, Capt. Wm. Symonds, Undaunted 46, Capt. Augustus Wm. Jas. Clifford, and St. Vincent 120, Capt. Hyde Parker; and, subsequently to his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant, which took place 18 Dec. 1830, was appointed – 7 Sept. 1831, to the Asia 84, flag-ship off Lisbon of Rear-Admiral Wm. Parker – and, 20 Dec. 1834, to the Rattlesnake 28, Capt. Wm. Hobson, on the East India station. Capt. Henry, whose second promotal commission bears date 28 June, 1838, next joined in succession, between 14 Sept. 1840 and his advancement to Post-rank 5 Sept. 1843, the Salamander, Styx, and Devastation steamers, and, as Acting-Captain, the Queen 110, and Aigle 24, on the Channel and Mediterranean stations. Since the latter date he has been on half-pay.
Capt. Henry married, in 1845, the Dowager Marchioness of Hastings, Baroness Grey de Ruthyn.