COCK. (Lieutenant, 1811. f-p., 20; h-p., 31.)
Robert Cock entered the Navy, 19 May, 1796, as Fst.-cl. Vol., on board the Thalia 36, Capt. Lord Henry Paulet, under whom, in the Mediterranean, he witnessed the capture of several privateers, and, on 10 Sept. 1797, of the French national corvette L’Espoir of 16 guns. He removed, in June, 1798, to the Montagu 74, Capts. John Knight and Robt. Cuthbert, employed on the same, the Home, and West India stations; became Midshipman, 23 June, 1802, of L’Immortalité 36, Capt. Edw. W. C. R. Owen; and, from March, 1803, until the receipt of his commission, 1 Aug. 1811, served, at home and in the Mediterranean, latterly as Master’s Mate, on board the Utrecht, flag-ship of Vice-Admirals John Holloway and Philip Patton, Regulus 44, Thunderer 74, Capts. Wm. Lechmere, John Stockham, and John Talbot (in which ship he bore a part in Sir Robt. Calder’s action, the battle of Trafalgar, and the destruction of the Turkish squadron in the Dardanells), Aurora 28, Capts. Geo. Fras. Seymour and John Duer, Namur 98, flag-ship of Hon. Henry Edwin Stanhope, and Quebec 32, Capt. Chas. Sibthorpe John Hawtayne. His subsequent appointments were, 28 Oct. 1811, to the Mosquito sloop, Capts. Chas. Bell and Jas. Tomkinson, and, 4 May, 1814, to the Dasher 16, Capt. Wm. Henderson, on the Leeward Islands station. Since May, 1816, Lieut. Cock has been on half-pay. Agents – Coplands and Burnett.