RIBOULEAU. (Vice-Admiral, of the White, 1846. f-p., 19;[1] h-p., 48.)
Peter Ribouleau died 16 Dec. 1847.
This officer entered the Navy, 13 Oct. 1780, as Captain’s Servant, on board the Prince William, Capt. Stair Douglas, with whom, after sharing in Hood’s action with the Comte de Grasse off St. Kitts in 1781, he removed in succession, on the West India and Home stations, to the Triumph 74, Grafton 50, and Cambridge 74. During the peace he served on the coast of North America, again in the West Indies, and at Home, as Midshipman and Master’s Mate, in the Assistance, Commodore Sir Chas. Douglas, Goliath, Capt. A. Dickson, Actaeon, Capt. J. Hanwell, Goliath and Alcide, both commanded by Sir A. Douglas, and Duke flag-ship of Lord Hood. On accompanying the officer last mentioned to theMediterranean in the Victory 100, of which ship he was created a Lieutenant 31 Aug. 1793, he witnessed the occupation of Toulon. In April, 1794, after having served for a short time on board L’Aréthuse French frigate, he joined the Glory 98, Capt. John Elphinstone, part of the force engaged under Lord Howe in the action of the 1st of June. His next appointments were – to the Barfleur 98 and Monarch 74, each bearing the flag of Sir Geo. Keith Elphinstone. In the latter ship he co-operated in 1795 in the reduction of the Cape of Good Hope. Attaining the rank of Commander 25 July, 1796, he joined in that capacity, in April, 1800, the Astrea troop-ship, in which he accompanied the expedition of 1801 to Egypt; where, on 8 March in that year, he served with the launches containing the field artillery under Sir Wm. Sidney Smith, and assisted at the debarkation of the army in Aboukir Bay.[2] He also landed and acted in unison with the troops. He invalided in the following July; was promoted for his services to Post-rank 29 April, 1802; served afterwards in the Sea Fencibles at Margate and Dartmouth; and commanded, from 25 Feb. 1822 until April, 1825, the Semiramis 42, flag-ship of Lord Colville at Cork. He became a Rear-Admiral on the Retired List 10 Jan. 1837, and on the Active 17 Aug. 1840; and a Vice-Admiral 9 Nov. 1846. His wife died 29 July, 1845. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.